Without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6).
It seems like just yesterday when I heard those two precious words... "HE'S beautiful!" And I knew we had our Caleb... This weekend we celebrate his 9th birthday (his actual b-day is next Tuesday). It will be a fun time for him and his friends and family that will come and celebrate with him, and yet a little bittersweet for me... As he gets older I find I seek the Lord's wisdom more and more in just how to shepherd his heart... we're hitting the 'tween' years, which are quickly becoming almost as dreaded by parents as the 'teen' years (though I don't feel that way and hope I never do). Anyway, I'm so thankful to God for this precious gift! Children truly are a heritage from the Lord. "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are they. Blessed is the man whose house is full of them."
My dear in-laws come in from Wisconsin this afternoon to spend the weekend with us... we are very excited because they are coming in early and staying until Monday! YAY!! :) My dear sister-in-law and nephew are coming up from Detroit on Saturday, though we're not sure if she's staying until Sunday or not. There's always contention there as she's not a believer, and, in fact, is quite antagonistic towards Christianity and Christians. My heart aches for her, her husband and our nephew for the empty life they lead filling their void with crazy working hours and lots of material stuff... so I keep praying for them that the Lord will reveal to them the true source of their emptiness. Saturday finds us celebrating Caleb's birthday with friends and family, and Sunday worshiping the Lord with our church family... a glorious weekend indeed filled with many blessings.
May your weekend be just as blessed as ours will...
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