Well... it happened. The first one of us to get the flu was Jacob D. I entered the 'sick season' this fall with the confident expectation that God would keep us all healthy enough that we would not have to go to the doctor's office and pharmacy... and that He has! We're so very thankful that the flu bug was not a bad one for JD- no high fever, and only a few hours of the other stuff- and my dear husband and I have only a touch of upset stomach.
We survived so far with no h1n1 flu, no sinus infections, no bronchitis, no croup, no walking pneumonia, no ear infections... Praise the Lord!! Our typical fall-winter-spring sickies usually begin in October and go on and off regularly through May. Caleb is usually the one who gets the worst of it with his allergies and all. This is such a big deal for us because our insurance is not great and we really cannot afford the extra expense at this time... once again (as always)the Lord has provided for our needs! :)
For us, the sickies usually include movie time (Jacob D's favorite), reading time, and snuggling up on the couch together... oh, and don't forget Mom waiting on the stricken party hand and foot... "Mama... would you get me something to drink?" "Of course, sweetheart," I say from across the room. "Here you go" and hand him his glass (which happens to be on the coffee table in front of him. Yup. My dear mother doted on me just the same way when I was sick as a little one, so I'll continue the tradition. :)
How to Mend Towels
1 day ago
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