I'm sitting here thinking about the gifts we have for our boys this year, which have ended up being a couple more than we typically do (we usually do three gifts each in keeping with each of the three wise men bringing their gifts to baby Jesus)...but I digress. They are ssssooooo very excited-which makes exchanging gifts all the more fun for my dear husband and myself. But the best part of it all is that our older son (who's 10) admits he's so excited to open gifts, but that he is more excited about the gifts he's giving to others (he made several gifts for grandparents, and bought a few with his hard-earned money for us and his brother and some close friends). That in-and-of-itself is one of the greatest gifts we could receive from our children... to help them to understand the blessings of giving.
"It is more blessed to give than to receive..." ~Acts 20:35 ESV
Like he's said, he is excited to receive gifts from others, this verse doesn't say anything to the contrary, but it does speak to the attitude of the heart, and the experience of the matter...
On a little different note, it was so fun watching our dear son #2 (who is 8 1/2) open his gifts from his grandparents-my Dad and Stepmom- (I couldn't really see my older son, who was hidden by the Christmas tree- long story). Neither one of the boys received anything they would have picked out for themselves or put on a Christmas list, if asked, but did receive abundant gifts from my Dad (Dad has always expressed his affection through gift-giving). Anyway, every time he'd open a gift he'd gasp in pure delight, mouth open, "Aaawwwsome!" he'd say, "What is it?" I wish I could express through writing his tone of voice, the awe and wonder he expressed over each gift, from a tool set, to a pocket knife, to a pirate ship model. The thankfulness and appreciation over his gifts- though none of them were things he has expressed a want of- was gift enough for me.
"Oh, give thanks to the Lord for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!" ~Psalm 118:1
But there is a greater gift that I received many years ago- 13 years ago, in fact...
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus..." ~Romans 3:23-24a
God, Himself, is the great Gift-Giver... So, in this season of gifting, let us all remember that God, gave us the greatest gift we could ever have need and want of - salvation through His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who, through His birth, His life and ministry, through His persecution and death on the cross bridged the gap between God and man, that those who have a relationship with Christ, also will have relationship with the Father in Heaven.
Perhaps you haven't a relationship with Jesus... God has extended His great gift of grace to you... maybe it is something you haven't asked for yet, nor have been willing to receive... maybe it's time to reconsider...
Christmas Blessings
How to Mend Towels
1 day ago
Wendy, so great to hear about your boys appreciation of gifts received, even if it's for something that maybe they wouldn't have asked for, for themselves!! us adults could learn a lot about gratitude from their fine example. Hmmmmmmm, that just made me think of a scenario from last Christmas......lol!!! from Christopher Watrous