I just don't know... I had in my head & heart what I was going to write about... but it just wasn't coming out the way I thought would best be a blessing... so hmmmm... I began reading a book yesterday (surprise, surprise) called 'Raising Real Men-Surviving, Teaching, and Appreciating Boys' by Hal & Melanie Young. This couple has 6 boys- yes SIX! And educated them all at home. For most Americans that would be total overload, apparently we've been conditioned to think that having more than 2.3?? children is a lot (though I've never met anyone who has three tenths of a child)... actually, the average number of children per household in 2010 was 1.9 according to wiki-answers, and no, I haven't met anyone with nine tenths of a child either. :) But seriously, 'children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward, Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate'.
~ Psalm 127:3-5
How did we get so far away from this, even as Christians? I hear so many people talk about what a burden their children are- even when their blessings are standing right there! Don't get me wrong, parenting isn't an easy task, it takes everything you've got all the time to raise these sweet blessings, and we all get tired and weary... and sometimes we need to share our struggles we're having with our children with a confidante or two. I'm not talking about the occasional sharing of parenting woes, but about those parents who consistently talk negatively about their children- their blessings from our Father...
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. ~Proverbs 12:18
I'm so continually challenged by this as I tend to talk a lot, and don't always do so with the true intention of bringing life to those whom I'm speaking. It breaks my heart to see children whose hearts have been hardended by the words spoken to and about them by their parents, though I know all too well just how easy it can be for those hurtful words to come spilling forth from the lips.
Anyway, I digress... what was my point again? Oh right, I didn't really have one, I'm just rambling... Okay, six boys. Right. That sounds heavenly to me- I wish the Lord would have blessed us so greatly, though I am - as Jon is -so very grateful for the two we have and the freedoms that come with having only those two. But still, as I look upon those who have it easy and can 'plan' when they want to have children, or those who have been given a sweet 'surprise', that little twinge comes back, making me think, 'just one more Lord?' though I'm rather certain that our quiver is quite full... :)
Rambling done...
How to Mend Towels
1 day ago
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