Monday, January 18, 2010

Aaaahhhh Finally Normal...

Finally we're getting back to 'normal' around here... Well as normal as it ever gets, I guess.

If having a child who sings at the top of his lungs every time he's in a public bathroom (or at home or in the shower); making a musical out of the most mundane of tasks; homeschooling; using a Southern, English, Scottish, Australian or Spanish (I just can't quite get the hang of German or French accents) accent with every story you read your children are all normal things, well then I guess we're normal...

But seriously, I am ever so glad to have had this past weekend to be able to stay home with my children and have nowhere to go and nothing pressing to do or get done. It's been since October that I've really felt refreshed after a weekend and not rushed for anything. I really miss the days when we didn't have quite so much to do... I wish I would have appreciated them more at the time (I sure do appreciate them now!)
The lesson of this particular season of my life is summed up in one simple (or not so simple) word: Longsuffering. You know, that patient endurance the Lord trains us in using not so wonderful situations. So, I am waiting on Him, patiently enduring this season and allowing Him to further conform me to His likeness...
I just hope it doesn't take too long... :)

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